

Directorate of Sports

Infrastructural Facility


Directorate has the following spacious and lush green playgrounds within the University Campus:

  1. 400 meters grassy athletic track (8 lanes)
  2. Two Basketball cemented courts of International standard(with flood lights )
  3. Four Volleyball Courts
  4. One Hockey ground
  5. Two Football grounds
  6. Two Handball Courts
  7. Two Kho-Kho Courts
  8. Two Kabaddi Courts
  9. Three Softball grounds
  10. Two Cricket grounds
  11. One Netball grounds
  12. One Korfball ground
  13. Tennis Courts
    1. Two Synthetic Lawn Tennis Courts
    2. Eight Grassy Lawn Tennis Courts
    3. One Cinder Lawn Tennis Court

The latest and modern equipment for all the games is available for the use of the University players. The Directorate of Sports organizes about 70 Inter-College and four to five Inter-University Competitions in various games every year. The Directorate of Sports participates in 62 games both for Men & Women in the Inter-University Competitions and arranges training camps in these games under the supervision of expert coaches.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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