

Directorate of Sports

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

1. 03/02/2025Purchase of Physiotherapy Equipments vide GEM Bid No GEM /2025/B/5893683 dated 31-01-2025
2. 25/10/2024Notice & Proforma for the Post of Whush Coach
3. 15/07/2024Notice & Proforma for the Post of Coaches_compressed
4. 15/07/2024Notice & Proforma for the Post of Attendant (Female)
5. 20/06/202410th International Yoga Day Celebration
6. 15/06/2024Circular for Yoga Camp from 15-06-2024 to 21-06-20247
7. 15/06/2024Invitation for the 10th international Yoga day on 21st June 2024
8. 24/05/2024Inviting Quotations for Lunch/Snacks Tent items Bedding, Printing chest numbers & Souvenir Photographer AMC of Two PS M and CCTV camera for session 2024-25 Last date of submission on 11-06-2024
9. 03/04/2024Swimming Pool Circular
10. 20/02/2024North East Zone and All India Inter University Karate (Men & Women) championship for the session 2023-24.
11. 20/11/2023All India Inter University Rowing (M&W) Championship for the session 2023-24.
12. 22/08/2023National Sports Day Notice
13. 20/06/2023Minute to Minute Programme for 9the International Yoga Day 2023
14. 20/06/2023Invitation for the 9th International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2023
15. 15/06/2023Inviting Quotations for Lunch/Snacks Tent items Bedding, Printing chest numbers & Souvenir Photographer AMC of Two PS M and CCTV camera for session 2023-24 Last date of submission on 30-06-2023
16. 12/06/2023Revised Circular for Yoga Camp from 13.06.2023 to 21.06.2023
17. 12/06/2023Yoga camp from 13.06.2023 to 21.06.2023 for the celebration of 9th International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2023
18. 22/05/2023Applications are invited from the internal candidates of Directorate of sports for filling up one post of Junior Technician G-III (Stores)
19. 17/04/2023Swimming Pool Open Notice
20. 10/04/2023Celebrate International Women Day Gymnastics (W)
21. 10/04/2023Celebrate International Women Day Softball (W)
22. 30/03/2023Applications are invited from the internal candidates of Directorate of sports for filling up one post of Senior Technician G-II upto 10.04.2023
23. 16/03/2023All India Inter University Softball (Men) championship for the session 2022-23.
24. 15/03/2023P.U., Inter College Canoeing & Kayaking (M&W) Tournament 2022-23
25. 14/03/2023Fixtures for the All India Inter University Softball (Women) Championship to be held from 17.03.2023 to 21.03.2023 for the session 2022-23
26. 24/02/2023Panjab University Inter College Rhythmic Gymnastics (Women)
27. 23/02/2023Result Panjab University Inter College Artistic Gymnastics (Women) Dated 23.02.2023
28. 23/02/2023Result Panjab University Inter College Artistic Gymnastics (Men) Dated 22.02.2023
29. 20/02/2023Inter College Canoeing & Kayaking & Yachting (Men & Women)
30. 17/02/2023Inter College Shooting (M&W)
31. 17/02/2023Panjab University Inter College Softball (Women)
32. 17/02/2023Panjab University Inter College Shooting (Men & Women)
33. 17/02/2023Panjab University Inter College Rowing (Men & Women)
34. 17/02/2023Panjab University Inter College Handball (Men)
35. 17/02/2023Panjab University Inter College Gymnastics (Men & Women)
36. 16/02/2023All India Inter University Gymnastics (M&W) championship for the session 2022-23
37. 16/02/2023All India Inter University Softball (women) Championship for the session 2022-23.
38. 15/02/2023Panjab University Sepak Takraw Coaching Camp (Men)
39. 14/02/2023Panjab University Cricket Coaching Camp (Men)
40. 28/04/2022Application are Invited for the yoga coach in the Directorate of Sports, Panjab University, Chandigarh by 9.5.2022.
41. 22/04/2022Filling up of one vacant post by promotion
42. 18/02/2022GEM bid for purchase of carbon fibre Rowing Boat and accessories vide bid numbers GEM/2022/B/1963791 dated 18/02/2022 and bid opening date 10/03/2022
43. 15/02/2022All India Inter University Kayaking & Canoeing (M&W) championship for the session 2021-2022.
44. 15/02/2022All India Inter University Rowing (M&W) Championship for the session 2021-2022.
45. 07/02/2022Notice regarding opening of sports infrastructure/facilities
46. 24/08/2021Regarding Auction of Write off old Material
47. 23/06/2021Application are invited for the post of Cycling Coach In the Directorate of Sports Panjab University Chandigarh
48. 05/01/2021Notice for the appointment of coaches under Khelo India Scheme of SAI on contract basis
49. 03/01/2019Job Vacancies for Jr Technician (Internal Candidates) Grade -III (Last Date 18 Jan 2019)
52. 26/07/2017Applications are invited for the coaches
53. 17/06/2017 Invitation Letter for 3rd International Day of Yoga
54. 03/03/2017Cricket Coaching Camp
55. 03/03/2017Panjab university campus Annual Athletics Meet
56. 30/12/2016Applications are invited for the two post of yoga instructor on part time basis
57. 12/08/2016Applications are invited for the coaches on contractual basis
58. 29/07/2016Date and Time of sports trials to select the Panjab University Campus Men & Women teams for participation in Inter College tournaments for the session 2016-17
59. 07/07/2016Status of Candidates seeking admission under 5% Reserved Category of Sports
60. 24/05/2016Comprehensive Maintenance Contract of A.C Plant of Gymnasium Hall for the atleast three years i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19.
61. 16/05/2016Date of Interview for the posts of Life Saver-02
62. 03/05/2016Applications are invited for the Two Posts of Life Savers
63. 22/03/2016List of P.U.Campus Students for Sports for Award in Annual Prize Distribution Function Session 2015-16
64. 21/03/2016Invitation for Panjab University CampusAnnual Sports Prize Distribution Function 2015-16
65. 17/03/2016Interview for the post of Archery Coach =01
66. 24/02/2016Please quote your minimum rates for the supply of Lunch to 200 members during PU Campus Annual Athletic Meet scheduled to be held on 11.3.2016.
67. 11/02/2016Applications are invited for the two posts of coaches (Boxing & Archery)
68. 26/11/2015Invitation for the 68th Annual Athletic Meet of Panjab University; Chandigarh scheduled to be held from 27th November 2015 to 30th November 2015 in the Panjab University Grounds.
72. 10/09/2015Post of a Part-Time Physiotherapist (Women) in the PU Physiotherapy Centre, Directorate of Sports, Panjab University, Chandigarh
73. 03/09/2015Repair the A.C Plant (Kiaskar) at the Gymnasium Hall Panjab University . Chandigarh
75. 13/08/2015Kindly quote lowest rates for the Annual Maintenance Contract of Two Photo Copier Machine (Xerox) of Directorate of Sports f
76. 11/08/2015Schedule of Sports Trials who applied under reserved category of sports in Panjab University-ISSER held on 13.08.2015 at 9.00 a.m
77. 07/08/2015Sports trials to select the Panjab University Campus Men & Women teams for participation in Inter College tournaments for the session 2015-16
78. 28/07/2015Current list of candidates who applied under Department of Evening Studies-28-07-2015
79. 28/07/2015Sports trials for 5% & 2% reserved category of sports who applied for Department of Evening Studies
80. 17/07/2015Current List of Candidates who applied under Joint Admission Committee for Sports Quota -b list
81. 17/07/2015current list of candidates who applied under sports category-Evening Studies (Commerce)
82. 17/07/2015Current List of Candidates who applied under Joint Admission Committee for Sports Quota
83. 15/07/2015Repair the Diving Pool
84. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List CET on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
85. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List HINDI on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
86. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List MATHEMATICS on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
87. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List UIAMS on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
88. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List B.A Eco. Hons. on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
89. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List Evening Studies on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
90. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List M COM on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
91. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- Revised List UILS on 14.7.15 at 7.55 PM
92. 14/07/2015Current status of application of the students who have applied for sports category :- PUSSG Regional Centre Hsp.
93. 14/07/2015Schedule of Sports Trials who applied under reserved category of sports in Dr. SSBUICET, UIET and UIET PUSSGRC , evenining studies
94. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.LIB
95. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- WOMEN STUDIES
96. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- UIHTM
97. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- UIFT
98. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- UIAMS
99. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- STATISTICS
100. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- REVISED LIST OF MA HISTORY
101. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- REVISED LIST OF SOCIOLOGY
102. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- REVISED CET LIST
103. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
104. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- PSYCHOLOGY
105. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- PHYSICS
106. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- MODERN HISTORY
107. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- MICROBIOTECHNOLOGY
108. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- MCA
109. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- MATH
110. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- MASS COMMUNICATION
111. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.EDU.
112. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.ED.
113. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A.URDU
114. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A.PANJABI
115. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A.POLITICAL SCIENCE
116. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A. HUMAN RIGHTS
117. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A HINDI
118. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A. ANCIENT HISTORY
119. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- LDH. REGIONAL CENTER LLB 3 YR.
120. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- LLM
121. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- LLB 3 YEARS
122. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- GEOGRAPHY
123. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- GANDHIAN DEPARTMENT
124. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
125. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- ENGLISH DEPARTMENT
126. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category-: ECEM TECH.
127. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- Dept. of Social Work
128. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- Defence Studies
129. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- Community Edu. & Disability
130. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- Botany
131. 14/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- B.A.Economics/Hons
132. 13/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- CET
133. 13/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- Police Administration
134. 13/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A.Economics
135. 13/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- M.A.History
136. 13/07/2015Current status of application forms of students who have applied for sports category I.E.T.V.E
137. 13/07/2015Current Status of application form of students who have applied for sports category- Chemistry
138. 13/07/2015Current status of application form of students who have applied under reserved category of sports (M. Com)
139. 13/07/2015Current status of application form of students who have applied under reserved category of sports (UILS)
140. 13/07/2015Current status of application form of students who have applied under reserved category of sports (B.A/B.Ed)
141. 13/07/2015Current status of application form of students who have applied under reserved category of sports (M.B.A)
142. 13/07/2015Current status of application form of students who have applied under reserved category of sports (Sociology)
143. 13/07/2015Current status of application form of students who have applied under reserved category of sports (Philosophy))
144. 13/07/2015Schedule of the Trials for the Reserved Category of Sports
146. 09/07/20155% & 2% reserved category of Sports in the various departments of Panjab University as well as Regional Centres
147. 24/03/2015Circular regarding Teaching Suspension on 25th March, 2015
148. 18/03/2015P.U. Campus Annual Athletic Meet for Men & Women
149. 18/03/2015Special Programme on Anti-Doping Awareness by NADA
150. 18/03/2015Invitation
151. 11/02/2015Revised Alumni Meet
152. 09/02/2015Alumni Meet Circular
153. 02/02/2015Auction of Sports Equipments
154. 23/01/2015Sports Kit
155. 23/01/2015North Zone Inter University Football (Women) Tournament 2014-15
156. 20/01/2015Allotment of Kiosk situated at P.U Grounds (near Shooting Range)
157. 26/12/2014Panjab University Inter College Taekwondo (Men & Women) Tournament 2014-15.
158. 19/12/1983Circulars & Fixtures of PU Inter College Judo, Taekwondo, Fencing, Yoga (Men & Women) & Kabaddi (PS) (M) A-B Div. 2014-15
159. 21/11/2014Various Fixtures of P.U. Inter College Tournsments 2014-15
160. 14/11/2014Invitation of PU Annual Athletic Meet-2014
161. 13/11/2014Various Fixtures of P.U. Inter College for the session 2014-15.
162. 05/11/2014Various Circulars & Fixtures of P.U. Inter College Tournaments for the session 2014-15.
163. 30/10/2014P.U. Annual Athletic Meet for Men, Women, Evening & Education Colleges (Men & (Women)

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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